» Blog Archive » Airport refuses to reconnect

So, here I am at my brother’s house in Atlanta, GA for Thanksgiving. He has an “snow” Apple Airport base station setup using WEP encyrption and with no SSID broadcasting.

The sad thing was that every time I woke my laptop up from sleep it refused to automatically re-connect to the network.

Now I knew that if the network was broadcasting an SSID that I would have been given a checkbox to mark to “Save the password,” but I doubted that my brother was going to lower his security levels just for me. Knowing that there had to be a solution to this problem that did not involve an major security risks, I set out to find it.

In a thread on the forums at I found a reference to the property list for the Airport configurations.

This file is named and it is kept at the following location /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration.

What I found was that in this file under the branch List of known networks there is a child for each of the Airport networks that has been “saved.” After investigating this, what I found was the listing for my brother’s network was missing the key for SecurityType.

Seemed easy enough to add the new child to the network key at set the name of the property and the value. Only problem was that even after opening the file using sudo /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ I was informed that I did not have the requisite permissions to save the changes. Undaunted, I changed the permissions on the file, made my changes, then put the permissions back.

Now after waking from sleep, my latop recognizes the network as it should. And all is well in laptop land.

Developing Palm OS Applications Using MacOS X

By David Garcea

This article is intended to show you how you to create applications that run on the Palm OS using Mac OS X. The majority of the tools used in this article are free and open source, the rest are inexpensive shareware or donationware. You do not need any previous Palm OS programming experience to understand the material in this article.

For years, Palm OS development on Macintosh was done using the Metrowerks CodeWarrior integrated development environment. CodeWarrior is very powerful, but that power comes at a great expense – $399. In addition, Metrowerks has dropped support for Macintosh computers in the latest version – CodeWarrior Development Studio for Palm OS Version 9.0. Thankfully, there is an alternative that is just as powerful, and free. It’s called PRC-Tools and it’s an open source project available at a repository called

PRC-Tools is a collection of unix based tools for creating Palm OS applications using C and C++. Luckily for us, MacOS X is also based on unix, an open source derivative of FreeBSD called Darwin to be exact. This means that we too can use these tools. In order to do this, the PRC-Tools package needs to be compiled on MacOS X. If you are comfortable with the command line and building unix applications, you can do this yourself, but as Mac users we expect things to be easier. Thanks to a group of Mac developers called Zenonez, we can install PRC-Tools using a standard MacOS X installer package.

Make sure you have installed the latest version of Xcode from the Xcode Tools (Aka Developer Tools) CD that accompanies MacOS X. You can also download the latest version from Apple. This article assumes you are using Xcode 1.5 or later. Then download the PRC-Tools installer package from here:

Install PRC-Tools by double clicking on the package and running through the installer.

Once you have downloaded and installed the PRC-Tools package, you have almost everything that you need to develop Palm OS applications using the command line, which is accessible from the Terminal application. But using a Mac means we shouldn’t have to work with the command line and we don’t. Instead, we can use Xcode, Apple’s free integrated development environment.

Launch Xcode and create a new project using the File menu. In the New Project Assistant, select the “GNU Make” option and click Next. Selecting “GNU Make” means that Xcode will use the command line utility called make to perform the operations needed to build your application. Name the project and select a directory to keep it in, then click Finish.

Create a new file using the File menu. In the dialog that appears, select “Empty File in Project.” Name the file “Makefile”, making sure to use the same capitalization, and then click Finish. This is the file that Xcode will pass to the make utility to tell it how to compile your application. Click on the Makefile in Groups & Files list to edit it. If the editor does not appear, select “Toggle Embedded Editor” from the “View” menu or click the Editor button in the toolbar.

Enter this code into the file and save.

MacPalmDev.prc: MacPalmDev.c MacPalmDev.h MacPalmDev.rcp
        m68k-palmos-gcc MacPalmDev.c -o MacPalmDev
        m68k-palmos-obj-res MacPalmDev
        pilrc MacPalmDev.rcp 
        build-prc  MacPalmDev.prc "MacPalmDev" XXXX *.grc *.bin

The first line specifies that in order to build the file MacPalmDev.prc, it needs to have MacPalmDev.c, MacPalmDev.h and MacPalmDev.rcp. If those files are not present, an error will occur when you try to build the application. The remaining lines are the commands that will be executed on the command line to build the application. This is a very simple Makefile that was made specifically for this project. You may want to learn how to create you own Makefiles so that you can create a generic one for all of your applications. For more information on creating Makefiles, read the make manual at:

Create another new file using the File Menu. This time, make it a C file, and name it MacPalmDev.c. Make sure the checkbox for creating the MacPalmDev.h file is checked and then click Finish.

Click on the MacPalmDev.h file in the Groups & Files list to edit it. Remove the line that contains “#include ” because it is inappropriate for Palm OS development. Then add this code to the bottom:

#define MainForm        1000
#define MessageLabel    1001

Click on the MacPalmDev.c file and add this code at the bottom:


Boolean MainFormHandleEvent( EventPtr theEvent )
    FormType *frmP;

    if( theEvent->eType == frmOpenEvent )
                frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
                FrmDrawForm( frmP );
                return true;
    return false;

Boolean AppHandleEvent( EventPtr theEvent )
        FormPtr         frmP;
        if( theEvent->eType == frmLoadEvent )
                frmP = FrmInitForm( theEvent->data.frmLoad.formID );
                FrmSetActiveForm( frmP );
                FrmSetEventHandler( frmP, MainFormHandleEvent );
                return true;
        else if( theEvent->eType == appStopEvent )
                frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
                FrmEraseForm( frmP );
                FrmDeleteForm( frmP );
                return true;
        return false;

UInt32 PilotMain(UInt16 cmd, MemPtr cmdPBP, UInt16 launchFlags)
    EventType theEvent;
    if( cmd == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch )
        FrmGotoForm( MainForm );
            EvtGetEvent( &theEvent, evtWaitForever );
            if (! SysHandleEvent( &theEvent ))
                if (! AppHandleEvent( &theEvent ))
                  FrmDispatchEvent( &theEvent );
        } while( theEvent.eType != appStopEvent );
    return errNone;

This code has been compacted for use in this article. It is not intended to demonstrate good programming practices. All this code does is display a single form. To learn more about programming for Palm OS, visit:

Create an empty file in the project and name it MacPalmDev.rcp. Then add this code to it:

#include "MacPalmDev.h"

FORM ID MainForm AT (0 0 160 160)
    TITLE "Made With A Mac"
    LABEL "This application was made on MacOS X!" ID MessageLabel AT (1 50)

This is a resource file that defines the user interface elements that will be displayed by your application. Your Makefile calls the PilRC command line application and passes it this file, which is converted into binary resource files.

This file only displays a message on the screen. A real Palm OS application will have much more code in this file. You could write the entire file yourself, if you first study the PilRC User Manual, or you could use an application that is currently under development called PalmBuilder. The version available on their website is still in the beta stage but we hope that it will be available in a final release soon because it is very useful.

If you are migrating an existing project from CodeWarrior, you will probably already have resource files in the form of Constructor files. There is another open source project called rsrc2rcp that will convert the files for you. You may have to review the resulting .rcp files to make sure they are correct, but this application will save you a lot of time.

You are now ready to create the application. Select Detailed Build Results from the Build menu. This will open a window that contains three panes, although some may be closed. You want to make sure the center pane is visible because this is where all the action will be. The top pane shows simplified results of the build process, the center pane contains a log of what is actually occurring on the command line, and the bottom pane allows you to fix errors in your code.

Click the Build button in the toolbar and watch the center pane. It should look similar to the Makefile that we created earlier. If the build fails, check the center pane for clues to the cause. In this case, there is most likely a typo in your code. Check the code and try again. When the build succeeds, switch to the Finder and look in the project’s folder. You will see several files that were not there before. The one you want to focus on is the MacPalmDev.prc file. This is your Palm OS application. Now you have to test it.

To run your Palm OS application, you could install it onto an actual Palm OS device but that is too time consuming, especially since you will probably be recompiling and installing the application dozens if not hundred of times before the application is perfect.

It would make things much easier if you could just run the application on your Mac, and you can. You will need to download POSE, the PalmOS Emulator, from here:

You will also need to acquire a ROM file. Instructions for doing so are included in the link above and in the POSE documentation included with the downloadable archive.

Once you have POSE installed and running, drag the MacPalmDev.prc file and drop it onto POSE. This will install the application into the emulator. You may have to refresh the display to see the application. Try selecting the Unfiled category, that is where your application should be. Click on the application to launch it and you should see a form that says “This application was made on MacOS X!”

Most of the time, your application will not behave as desired the first time. In this case you will have to use a debugger to find the problems. PRC-Tools comes with a special version of the gdb command line debugger but Xcode can not provide a user interface to it. As a Mac user, I like to avoid using the command line whenever possible, so I created an application called Bug Off, which acts as a graphical user interface to the PRC-Tools version of gdb. Bug Off is shareware, which means you can use it for an evaluation period (30 days) before you decide if you want to purchase it. The only limitation you will encounter while evaluating the software is that you can only have three breakpoints at one time. You can find information on purchasing Bug Off here:

If you are experienced with using gdb, you may prefer using the command line as it is faster, otherwise you may find Bug Off very useful.

There are several online communities available that can help you develop Palm OS applications on MacOS X. Here are a few:

Zenonez Forums

Palm Source: Mac Development Forum

Palm OS: Programming Recipes » Blog Archive » Site switching in IIS on Windows XP Pro

As I have begun developing part-time in ASP, I ran into a problem running IIS in Windows XP Pro. Apparently Microsoft has limited the ability to run multiple sites under Windows XP Pro.

While there are some command-line hacks to work around this, as well as some dll’s that can be used to alleviate the problem, there is also a utility I ran across to help with this problem.

The utility is IIS Admin which was developed by firstserved, a web hosting provider.

This little program allows you to easily create, and switch between, multiple sites running on IIS on a Windows XP machine.

HiGHB@LL » Apple and the two-button mouse

According to a story posted at the Apple rumor site AppleIndsider, the may soon be an official two-button mouse with the styling that you have come to expect from Apple Computer, Inc.

Of course, many of us have been using multi-button mice and trackballs on the Mac platform for years, but there has never been an official two-button mouse released by the mothership. And if you are wondering why this is the case, consider the reasoning in an article posted on the GearLive site.

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HiGHB@LL » Testing the context clue

This post is for testing a custom fieldset for implementing a context clue that will be used to combat comment spam.

The idea for this came from a comment that was posted on the blog.

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HiGHB@LL » Spyware authors are evil

Well, it has reached the point where it is easier to keep your machine spyware free than it is to clean it.

I have reached the conclusion that the governmental agencies are taking the wrong tack when it comes to punishment for the spyware authors and distributors. Don’t get me wrong I think they need to be punished, but monetary punishment isn’t harsh enough.

Here’s what I propose: force the authors and distributors of the spyware to sit in a room from 8am – 5pm everyday for a month attempting to clean infected computers.

I am sure that if such a punishment was enforced, that enough computers would be offered up for the service that the spyware authors would realize the error of their ways.

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HiGHB@LL » Things you see on billboards

Sometimes the only thing that breaks up the boredom of traveling on the U.S Interstate Highway System is what is written on the billboards.

If you have traveled any on I-75 from Valdosta, GA to Atlanta, GA, you are no doubt familiar with the large collection adverts for Cafe Erotica and the like. There are also a large number PSA’s that assail you with any number of laudable ideas.

What I had not yet seen was a billboard that exhorted the usage of condoms in the following manner:

Does your boyfriend have AIDS? Does your boyfriend’s other girlfriend have AIDS? Wrap it up or die.

That’s right kiddies, not only was the renter of this particular billboard exhorting you to use condoms, but they were also pointing the very realistic fact that men (and women) are often unfaithful. According to statistics reported by Infidelity Check as many as 37% of men and 22% of women admit to having affairs.

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HiGHB@LL » Comments, comments, go away

Well, I have disabled comments once again. On my previous WordPress setup I had a nifty plugin that helped with the comment spam because it required you to verify the text in an image to post a comment.

Now I have changed to WordPress 1.5. Well, I tried and tried to get the Authimage plugin to work, but failed.

So for the time being, I have disabled comments. When I get the plugin working I will turn them back on.

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HiGHB@LL » Firefox strangeness

Okay, so here I find myself reloading my 15″ AL PowerBook a few days ago. The reason behind this reload was the fact that for some reason the drivers for my Canon CanoScan Lide 30 scanner wouldn’t load after I updated to 10.3.7.

Now, my normal process in re-loading a Mac is pretty straight-forward these days:

  1. Load the operating system
  2. Load all currently available updates
  3. Load Xcode
  4. Load Firefox
  5. Start Firefox and change the download location

Seems pretty cut-and-dried, right? Well, usually I have Firefox on a USB-key so that I don’t have to download it, but this time I had left my USB-key at work. So I fired up Safari and downloaded Firefox. Now, by default Safari puts all downloaded files on the desktop, as do all of the other major browsers for the Mac.

As I was happily downloading other utilities, I noticed an interesting phenomenon: as each file was downloaded in Firefox, a temporary file would be downloaded to the desktop. This file would then disappear when the download was complete.

Now, I thought that this was rather strange behavior since I had changed the download location in Firefox to not be my desktop. Turns out that if you don’t change the download location of Safari, the temporary files are still downloaded to the desktop.

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HiGHB@LL » the anwer is blowin’ in the wind

Well, Ryan and Matt of the WordPress gang have released version 1.5.

As you can see, I have replaced the Drupal install with the new WordPress install.

Why have I done this you ask? Well, that is a grand question! It all boils down to an article that my friend Ezra sent to me. After reading it and evaluating my needs and wants in a CMS, I decided that Drupal was way to big a system for the things I wanted to do.

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