HiGHB@LL » Firefox strangeness

Okay, so here I find myself reloading my 15″ AL PowerBook a few days ago. The reason behind this reload was the fact that for some reason the drivers for my Canon CanoScan Lide 30 scanner wouldn’t load after I updated to 10.3.7.

Now, my normal process in re-loading a Mac is pretty straight-forward these days:

  1. Load the operating system
  2. Load all currently available updates
  3. Load Xcode
  4. Load Firefox
  5. Start Firefox and change the download location

Seems pretty cut-and-dried, right? Well, usually I have Firefox on a USB-key so that I don’t have to download it, but this time I had left my USB-key at work. So I fired up Safari and downloaded Firefox. Now, by default Safari puts all downloaded files on the desktop, as do all of the other major browsers for the Mac.

As I was happily downloading other utilities, I noticed an interesting phenomenon: as each file was downloaded in Firefox, a temporary file would be downloaded to the desktop. This file would then disappear when the download was complete.

Now, I thought that this was rather strange behavior since I had changed the download location in Firefox to not be my desktop. Turns out that if you don’t change the download location of Safari, the temporary files are still downloaded to the desktop.

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