Resolutions – 2015 – the foremind

Each year I make a host of resolutions that I fail to keep.  In my post, Starting anew in 2015 – a resolution, I stated some general guidelines that I am going to follow for 2015, so I thought I should lay them out in a bit more detail, as I feel this will help keep me on course:

  1. Read the Bible completely
    I feel that one of the best ways to improve myself as a follower of Christ will be to dive into The Word.  As a guide for this I am using George H. Guthrie’s book Read the Bible for Life.  My chosen translation of the Bible is the New King James version in the form of the Jeremiah Study Bible with commentary and annotations by Dr. David Jeremiah.
  2. Improve my professional career by obtaining two professional certifications
    Many professionals improve their career by attaining a higher degree.  While getting a Master’s degree in CIS or Information Management would be great, I have decided that a better way to improving my professional outlook will be by obtaining some useful and meaningful certifications.
  3. Exercise and Health Improvement
    In my quest for better physical health, this year I will be extending the benefits that I obtained by quitting smoking by exercising regularly as well as improving both my health tracking and my diet.  Too start with I am setting out to exercise at least two days per week after work and to cutting out soda.
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