iPhone : arfore dot com

This is the first post using the WordPress app for the iPhone.

It’s a pretty nice application, but it would be better if it supported the rotation feature to get the horizontal keyboard.

I do like the fact that you can add photos.

As I keep browsing the App Store to find more interesting applications, I find my self wondering exactly what criteria Apple is using to place the various applications in each category.

It’s not the actual application category or sub-category that I find strange, but the generic categories:

  1. All iPhone Applications
  2. All iPod Touch Applications
  3. All Free Applications
  4. New

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This morning, as I have for the couple of days, I checked the App Store in iTunes for new applications for my 8GB iPhone 3G.  I noticed that when I sorted the new applications by release date that the NYTimes application showed a release date of July 16, 2008.  I thought that it was odd since I know I got that application on the first day of the 3G release.

Turns out that it is an updated version, however when clicking the Check for Updates link in Applications section of my iTunes library I got the following dialog box:

So apparently the update check mechanism in iTunes doesn’t work.  I hope that they get this fixed soon.  Even better would be an e-mail notification that a new version of the application is available.

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