Apple TV – arfore dot com


In my process of tranferring my DVD collection to a digital media server I discovered that the Apple TV software is smarter than I thought.
I have been ripping my DVD collection using Handbrake on my Mac and transferring them to a Windows box which is shared out via my internal only network to the Apple […]

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Over Thanksgiving break I bought an Apple TV.  Like any good geek I wanted to expand the capability of the unit beyond the default setup.
After installing Firefox and getting USB keyboard and mouse support going, I realized that it would be tremendously cool if I could control it from my iPhone instead of using a […]

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Technology – arfore dot com


In the old days of the Internet search engine business you had a vast multitude of places to visit. There was Excite, Yahoo!, WebCrawler, Lycos, and many others. You had the search engine aggregators, such as Dogpile and HotBot.

What you didn’t have was a single source to use to search the whole of the web. When Google came along they created a way to analyze the relationships between pages to produce more useful results. The search results were no longer just a mishmash based on how many times a word existed in a page, now the results had a certain relevancy.

Then Google added advertising into the mix, providing users with a way to find products or vendors that had some correlation with the keywords entered. This was a great tool for the layperson and researcher alike. Along the way Google has added shopping results, images, news, videos, and maps. However they seem to have forgotten their core product: a clean, easy-to-use, clutter-free search engine.


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For those of you who are in the iPhone developer community or just are just geeky enough to pay for the developer program in order to get a sneak peek on your friends, I thought I would let you in on some information I received from Pandora concerning problems with the Pandora Radio application and […]

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One of the current hot topics in many technology circles concerns the cloud-computing model.  Wikipedia has the following definition for cloud computing: a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet.

One of the biggest criticisms and concerns with this approach is the ownership, integrity, and […]

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So I just finished Prince of Persia on my PS3.  I decided that I would go and purchase the $9.99 Prince of Persia: Epilogue DLC from the PSN (PlayStation Network) store so that I could have some more PoP game time.
Turns out that I can’t purchase anything using my Bank of America debit card, because […]

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In my process of tranferring my DVD collection to a digital media server I discovered that the Apple TV software is smarter than I thought.
I have been ripping my DVD collection using Handbrake on my Mac and transferring them to a Windows box which is shared out via my internal only network to the Apple […]

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Nagios – arfore dot com


My last two posts, Starting NRPE via launchd and Nagios NRPE on OS X Server 10.5, concerned getting NRPE to run on OS X Server 10.5 and having it startup at system boot.
However, this is only part of the battle.  Once you have Nagios monitoring setup on your server you also need to have some […]

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Last week I posted on how to setup NRPE on Mac OS X Server.  Here is what you need to do to make it start up at system boot.
On a Linux or Solaris machine you can just include the call to the daemon in an init script like rc.local and it will be started when […]

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Recently I was tasked to install the Nagios add-on NRPE on two OS X 10.5 servers. I read a little on the ‘net about it, but no one actually had much in the way of a walkthrough, so I thought I would fill the void.

The basic steps involve compiling the NRPE source, but doing so involves […]

Mac OS X Server, Nagios

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iTunes – arfore dot com


I noticed something today in the new iTunes Store interface.  When you hover over a song in the store you are presented with a nifty play icon that replaces the track number in the album listing.  This is quite similar to the iTunes Store interface functionality on the iPhone/iPod Touch OS.  Clicking on the play […]

Apple, iTunes

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AWStats – arfore dot com


AWStats is a great open-source stats analyzation program.

In the process of setting up a replacement webserver at VSU I was investigating the replacement of analog, another nice open-source stats program.

The problem with analog is that the people requesting stats were confused by the technical output. These people aren’t computer folks, they just want to know who or what or when the pages they maintain are being visited.

The default setup of AWStats is fairly easy to accomplish, but if you want to generate separated stats on individual directories off the web root, then it takes a little know how.


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Sayings – arfore dot com


So this morning, during a momentary lull in my workday, I was perusing my huge and unorganized list of bookmarks when I ran across a bookmark to the Burma Shave section of The Fifties Web.
For those of you, like myself actually, who are to young to have witnessed them yourself, Burma Shave used to put […]

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Another day, another off the wall saying.

So my father used to use the phrase “You Can’t Roller Skate In A Buffalo Herd” all the time when I was growing up. Until recently I never really cared what the origin was, I used the phrase and went on.

Recently, however, the subject of my unusual phrases came up at a luncheon for one of my student assistants that had just gotten a new job as a full time staff member in another department.


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Every now and then I will utter a saying that I grew hearing or using that makes my assistants wonder.

Today I happened to use the saying If wishes were horses, beggars would ride in reference to one of my assistants wish that the timesheet process here was all done electronically instead of the paper system that we have.

She wondered where I get these things from. I thought it was a pretty common saying, but I had never actually investigated where it originated, so I went googling.


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Alternative Energy – arfore dot com


Sungevity is a company that does residential solar panel installations. They have this cool web app that lets you enter you address and then determines how much energy you will need. They use satellite imagery to help design the system.
When you’re ready to see how much solar your home needs, Sungevity makes it […]

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Review: Logitech Cordless Optical TrackMan

In November 2009, my USB Logitech Optical MouseMan died a cruel death.  I had been using this particular trackball for a number of years.  In fact, I liked it so much that I bought two more, one for the desk at home and one for use on the road with the laptop.

As I contemplated going out to OfficeMax to buy yet another one, I realized that it might be time to upgrade, at least a little bit.  While I was very fond of the existing device, there were a few features that I was lacking that had been added to the newer models over the years:

  • cordless operation to make desk arrangement less cumbersome
  • scroll wheel
  • extra buttons for things like forward and back in a browser
  • third button for use in X11

After realizing that I needed an upgrade I decided to dig into some research on the possibilities.  Now I must confess that I am a completely unrepentant trackball user.  I had been using trackballs for my computers for at least the last 20 years.  I did occasionally use a mouse, because sometimes they are better tools, but for the most part I used trackballs exclusively.  One of my favorites over the years has been the original Kensington Turbo Mouse.  It had a great big trackball and four large, easy to hit, buttons.  One of the great things about this particular trackball was the fact that you could swap out the trackball with a standard billiard ball and it would fit perfectly.

After some research I decided to go with the cordless version of the same trackball that I was replacing.  I purchased the Logitech Cordless Optical Trackman at Fry’s in Atlanta.

Initial Impressions

One of the first things that I noticed about the new trackball was that it was tremendously stiff.  I didn’t remember this being the case with my older models.  The cursor movement was also very jerky.  Over the first day of use, however, the movement and tracking of the ball improved.  My guess is that part of the stiffness was caused by some sort of film that was on the ball from the manufacturing process.  One user in a forum posted that his was vastly improved by cleaning the entire ball with rubbing alcohol.  Not having any of this on hand, I hoped that the film would gradually be removed with use.  Thankfully this was the case.


I did notice a “learning curve” when it came to getting used to the style of the design and placement of the trackball.  The ball is placed off-center on the right-hand side of the casing.  I was used to having my hand completely flat in orientation with respect to the wrist rest and the trackball from the older models.  After some use I found the new orientation to feel more natural.

As with many users, I have found that you will need to spend some time tweaking the Logitech multiplier and tracking speeds in the Logitech control panel as well as the OS X mouse preference pane.  It took me sometime to get the settings just so.  This was not really the case with the USB model, however with the older model you didn’t have a multiplier available in the Logitech software package.  After quite a bit of back and forth with the settings, I finally got it to a useable setting.


The Logitech software gives you the expected settings for the various buttons, scrolling speed as well as the multiplier to apply to the tracking and cursor movement.  Interestingly enough, the software installer can’t figure out that you don’t have a Logitech keyboard installed, just pick one and move on.  Due to the three kexts (kernel extensions) that are installed, the software requires you to restart, even though you can dynamically load a kext without rebooting.

In my particular installation, the registration application that starts after installation never completely loaded.

I did find some interesting points while tweaking the software settings:

  1. The scroll speed in the Logitech panel doesn’t appear to actually have an effect on the speed of the scroll wheel.  This will need to be controlled in the standard OS mouse preference pane.
  2. The tracking multiplier can have a huge effect on the jerkiness of the cursor.  My best results were achieved when leaving the multiplier set on 1 and controlling the tracking speed with the standard OS mouse pane.
  3. The battery life indicator in the Logitech panel is nice, however it would be great if there was a menubar indicator or a LED indicator on the device itself.

Overall, I am quite pleased with the new trackball.  In fact, I have become so used to having the extra buttons and the scroll wheel that I find myself trying to use them when I am at home with my older, USB model.  Looks like I need to add another item to my shopping list.

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jboss – arfore dot com


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Installing JBoss

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Computers – arfore dot com


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In November 2009, my USB Logitech Optical MouseMan died a cruel death.  I had been using this particular trackball for a number of years.  In fact, I liked it so much that I bought two more, one for the desk at home and one for use on the road with the laptop.
As I contemplated going […]


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