

So this morning, during a momentary lull in my workday, I was perusing my huge and unorganized list of bookmarks when I ran across a bookmark to the Burma Shave section of The Fifties Web.
For those of you, like myself actually, who are to young to have witnessed them yourself, Burma Shave used to put […]


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At my local Linux users group meeting, someone brought up the Nerdcore HipHop music.

So if you are a nerd or a geek, then check out this Hip-Hop rhyme, called Kill Dash Nine.

I like the chorus:

KILL DASH NINE, No more CPU time. I run KILL DASH NINE, And your process is mine. I run KILL DASH NINE, ‘Cause it’s MY time to shine So don’t step outta line or else it’s


Who says geek can’t be hip?


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new tech series


Over the past several years I have begun to wonder if the trend towards all things new, online and electronic is really better than the non-electronic analog. There are many areas where the electronic version has eclipsed the original analog format, and others where the electronic version is making serious attempts to usurp the existing analog.

I […]


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Many newspapers around the country have embraced what many people have referred to as the Information Age. The current era has also been referred to as the Connected Age:
The Information Age is the age of the knowledge worker. The Connected Age is the age of the web worker. Knowledge workers create and manage information, […]


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Everyone wanted DRM-free music and EMI partnered with Apple to make it happen.

Now apparently it’s not being done right. Of course, we all knew that the account holder name and associated e-mail address was being stored in the DRM encrypted tracks. But somehow everyone seems to think that Apple was going to just cease to embed that because the song was DRM-free.

Ars Technica has a story up on this.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some data was being analyzed in aggregate, although Apple’s current privacy policy does not appear to allow for this. As with the dust-up over the mini-store, Apple should clarify what this embedded data is used for.


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So, according to a story on Reuters, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) is evaluating whether or not to ban Novell from didtributing future versions of their Linux OS.

“The community of people wants to do anything they can to interfere with this deal and all deals like it. They have every reason to be deeply concerned that this is the beginning of a significant patent aggression by Microsoft,” Eben Moglen, the Foundation’s general counsel, said on Friday.


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free speech


From the Ars Technica story:

A Michigan man is being prosecuted for using a cafe’s free WiFi… from his car.

The Michigan law apparently bars you from accessing someone else’s network without their explicit authorization.


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So I ran across a story on Slashdot about how ABC/Disney had a blog shutdown over the posting of some audio clips from a radio-station affiliate in conjunction with the blogger’s letters to the radio station advertisers over their tacit support of the comments and views of the talk radio hosts on the station.

The Slashdot post linked to a blog posting on the Daily Kos: State of the Nation that had more details.


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As many of my friends are aware I am a big fan of honey.  As the son of a second-generation beekeeper, I grew up eating honey in many varieties.  I learned early on that all-natural peanut butter mixed with honey was a great combination, and I have eaten it that way ever since.
I use honey […]


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Here is a recipe that I got from my Aunt Cindy.

1 3/4 pounds of carrots, peeled & chopped 1 cup white sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 3 eggs, beaten 2 teaspoons confectioners’ sugar

1 stick butter


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a large pot of boiling water, cook carrots until very tender.  Drain […]


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Sony needs to fix the PSN billing system

So I just finished Prince of Persia on my PS3.  I decided that I would go and purchase the $9.99 Prince of Persia: Epilogue DLC from the PSN (PlayStation Network) store so that I could have some more PoP game time.

Turns out that I can’t purchase anything using my Bank of America debit card, because Sony’s billing and account system is seriously messed up.

First I tried just entering in my account information in the PSN store interface as a direct purchase.  I put in the card information and billing information.  I get an error back that says “Credit card is invalid. Check your entries.”  Thinking that I may have punched something in wrong when relying on my memory, I go get the physical card and verify that all the data was correct.  Hit continue.  Same error.

I then tried to just enter the billing information into the account management thinking that maybe that would work.  Same error.

I tried logging into my PSN account over the web on my laptop and entering the information there.  Same error.

Having now exhausted all the possible avenues for entering in my information, I search the Google to find out if others have had this problem and what the fix might or might not be.  Turns out there have been numerous people with the same problem.

The first thread I listed had the most information.  They were discussing the possible values necessary in the address fields, etc.  I checked all my information.  Here’s what you need to double-check:

  1. Make sure your console has been activated using the System Activation item in the dashboard
  2. Make sure that if your billing address is a post office box that you are not adding in punctuation
  3. Make sure that your zip code is matching exactly with the bank records, especially if your bank uses an address verification system
  4. Make sure that your phone number, if listed, matches the bank records

The problem is that I checked all of this and none of it helped.  So I called the Sony Computer Entertainment America support number (800-345-7669) and waded through the menu system to get a support representative.  I have to give kudos to the support representative, because she was very calm and nice, and she didn’t even have a problem with the fact that I had already checked everything that she had on her checklist for me to check.

Unfortunately, she said “Sometimes the PO Box addresses just don’t work.  The only suggestion I can make is that you use a different credit card or go buy a PlayStation Network Card.”  She was very sorry that it wasn’t working, but there was nothing she could do to help.

I am not blaming the support folks, but that kind of answer is really pretty unacceptable.  I use my BoA card online, in stores, and over the phone all the time with no problems at all.  To make matters worse, when I logged in to my BoA account over the web I had a $1 pending transaction for each of my attempts to connect my card to the PSN store.  The customer service representative did assure me that they would drop off since a complete account transaction had never occured.

This is unexcusable.  Why even bother creating an online store for your game console if it doesn’t reliably work to purchase things?  Someone at Sony really needs to get this ironed out.

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Starting NRPE via launchd

Last week I posted on how to setup NRPE on Mac OS X Server.  Here is what you need to do to make it start up at system boot.

On a Linux or Solaris machine you can just include the call to the daemon in an init script like rc.local and it will be started when the OS boots.  Unfortunately, Apple has made this a little more difficult on Mac OS X with Tiger and Leopard.  The standard startup processes (cron, inetd, xinetd, etc.) have been rolled into a single process known as launchd.

The first step is to create a symbolic link to the NRPE config file from the default location to the root of the NRPE directory.

  1. cd /usr/local/nagios/
  2. ln -s etc/nrpe.cfg nrpe.cfg

The next setp is to ensure that the NRPE daemon will be able to connect with Nagios server.  There are two ways to do this.  One way is to add a line to the /etc/services file to allow for an open port for NRPE.  The second way is to open the port as part of the launchd process.

Method One – edit the /etc/services file

  1. cd /etc/
  2. sudo vi /etc/services
  3. add the following line to the end of the file:
    5666/tcp # Nagios NRPE client

Method Two – use the launchd process

This method involves including a dictionary key into the launchd plist file that sets the socket type and port number for the NRPE service to use for listening.  The plist code is shown below:

Sockets Listeners SockServiceName 5666 SockType stream SockFamily IPv4

The rest of setting up the plist is required to make the process work.  Here is a copy of my entire plist:

KeepAlive NetworkState UserName nagios GroupName nagios Program /usr/local/nagios/bin/nrpe ProgramArguments -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg -i Sockets Listeners SockServiceName 5666 SockType stream SockFamily IPv4 inetdCompatibility Wait Label org.nagios.nrpe

Copy the above code into a text file and name it nrpe.plist and copy it into the /Library/LaunchDaemons/ directory.  You can manually start the service by executing the following commands:

  1. sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/nrpe.plist
  2. sudo launchctl start org.nagios.nrpe

Download the plist file here

Related posts

  • Nagios NRPE on OS X Server 10.5 (6)
  • Checking OS X services using Nagios (0)


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Running JBoss on 10.5

At work I am in charge of running our Macromedia Adobe Contribute Publishing Server.

Since I like to duplicate my work environment on my laptop for local development, I needed to install JBoss 4.0.5.GA.  I won’t go into why we are running such an old version, that’s all Adobe’s fault.

Installing JBoss

  1. Download the JEMS installer for 4.0.5.GA from the JEMS Installer Downloads page at jboss.org.
  2. Execute the installer:
    java -jar jems-installer-1.2.0.GA.jar
  3. If you get asked to allow java to talk through the firewall, choose Allow.
  4. The default installation location is: /Applications/jboss-4.0.5.GA

    It will create the directory if it doesn’t exist already.

  5. During the install process choose the Advanced install method.  This allows you to pick your database environment, as well as making the process of securing the JMX Console and JBoss Web Console much easier.

Starting JBoss

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Goto the install location binary directory (I used the default)
  3. execute run.sh
    ./run.sh -b &
  4. You will see the output of the startup process show up in the terminal window.

Stopping JBoss

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Goto the install location binary directory
    cd /Applications/jboss-4.0.5.GA/bin
  3. Run the shutdown script (don’t forget to authenticate!)
    ./shutdown.sh –server=localhost:1099 –shutdown -u admin -p password


  • The default port for the HTTP connector is 8080
  • The SSL connector is disabled by default

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Nerd HipHop

At my local Linux users group meeting, someone brought up the Nerdcore HipHop music.

So if you are a nerd or a geek, then check out this Hip-Hop rhyme, called Kill Dash Nine.

I like the chorus:

KILL DASH NINE, No more CPU time. I run KILL DASH NINE, And your process is mine. I run KILL DASH NINE, ‘Cause it’s MY time to shine So don’t step outta line or else it’s


Who says geek can’t be hip?

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Sugarland wins 2008 Song of the Year

Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush won the ACM 2008 Song of the Year award for their song Stay.

For those of you who don’t know, Jennifer Nettles is a former Georgia 4-Her and a former member of the Georgia 4-H performing group, Clovers and Company.

Congratulations, Jennifer, from a fellow Clover.

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