So there is a nice report on cnet about an human denial of service attack on the Apple Retail Store Genius Bars.
According to this story, and the FSF site DefectiveByDesign, the goal is to book as many 10-minute time slots as possible over a two-day period at the Apple Store in a lame attempt to bring more attention to what the FSF sees as the defective nature of the iPhone 3G.
Richard Stallman, the founder of the FSF, has stated:
The motive for DRM schemes is to increase profits for those who impose them, but their profit is a side issue when millions of people’s freedom is at stake; desire for profit, though not wrong in itself, cannot justify denying the public control over its technology. Defending freedom means thwarting DRM.
He also describes DRM as Digital Restrictions Management:
However, since its purpose is to restrict you the user, it is more accurate to describe DRM as Digital Restrictions Management.
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This is the first post using the WordPress app for the iPhone.
It’s a pretty nice application, but it would be better if it supported the rotation feature to get the horizontal keyboard.
I do like the fact that you can add photos.
So apparently, the category logic, or lack thereof, of the App Store extends to the rest of the iTunes Store as well.
On the iTunes Store if you look at the category of music labeled Albums Under $7 you will find the Maroon 5 album The B-Side Collection. However, if you look at the category of music labeled Albums Under $9, you will not find the Maroon 5 album.
If an album is under $7 it would seem to me that it is also under $9.
This so doesn’t make any sense.
As I keep browsing the App Store to find more interesting applications, I find my self wondering exactly what criteria Apple is using to place the various applications in each category.
It’s not the actual application category or sub-category that I find strange, but the generic categories:
- All iPhone Applications
- All iPod Touch Applications
- All Free Applications
- New
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I found this really cool moon photo at the AstroMeeting.
I love all the detail that he goes into about taking the photo.