jboss : arfore dot com

The only thing that can save the world is the reclaiming of the awareness of the world. That’s what poetry does. — Allen Ginsberg

At work I am in charge of running our Macromedia Adobe Contribute Publishing Server.

Since I like to duplicate my work environment on my laptop for local development, I needed to install JBoss 4.0.5.GA.  I won’t go into why we are running such an old version, that’s all Adobe’s fault.

Installing JBoss

  1. Download the JEMS installer for 4.0.5.GA from the JEMS Installer Downloads page at jboss.org.
  2. Execute the installer:
    java -jar jems-installer-1.2.0.GA.jar
  3. If you get asked to allow java to talk through the firewall, choose Allow.
  4. The default installation location is: /Applications/jboss-4.0.5.GA

    It will create the directory if it doesn’t exist already.

  5. During the install process choose the Advanced install method.  This allows you to pick your database environment, as well as making the process of securing the JMX Console and JBoss Web Console much easier.

Starting JBoss

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Goto the install location binary directory (I used the default)
  3. execute run.sh
    ./run.sh -b &
  4. You will see the output of the startup process show up in the terminal window.

Stopping JBoss

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Goto the install location binary directory
    cd /Applications/jboss-4.0.5.GA/bin
  3. Run the shutdown script (don’t forget to authenticate!)
    ./shutdown.sh –server=localhost:1099 –shutdown -u admin -p password


  • The default port for the HTTP connector is 8080
  • The SSL connector is disabled by default
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