Getting Xnest for Leopard : arfore dot com

In the application selection process for 10.5, the X11 maintainers elected not to include Xnest.

While most users will probably not need this, since you can export X11 application through a SSH connection, sometimes it is quite handy to have the entire gui session available from a remote server.

I use this when managing some of my Solaris servers. With X11 on 10.4 this was readily available, but after installing 10.5 I found that it had not been included. Initially I just copied the binary from my 10.4 install into the expected location and tried to use it. However, as I expected, the results were not particularly satisfactory, given that the binary was built against a different X11 source tree.

After posting some of my compile issues to the X11-Users mailing list (archives are here), the code maintainer released a patch to the xorg code that fixed the symbol issues that had reared their ugly heads.
For those who are interested in making it work here’s what you need to do:

  1. Follow the first seven lines under the section Source installation on the XDarwin wiki page
  2. Change the configure instruction line to be as follows:
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/X11 --enable-xnest=yes --with-mesa-source=`pwd`/../Mesa-6.5.2
  3. Continue with the rest of the source instructions as posted in the wiki page
  4. After copying the new Xquartz binary over, copy the Xnest binary as well:
    sudo cp hw/xnest/Xnest /usr/X11/bin/
  5. Don’t forget the manpage:
    sudo cp hw/xnest/Xnest.1 /usr/share/man/man1/

Now you have a nicely patched install of the latest fixes for Xquartz as well as the Xnest binary.

If only compiling Xpehyr was working now…sigh.


  • Applications supplied with the default X11 install on 10.5
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